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All Your Customer- Facing Program and Service Delivery Needs

The industry solution that combines the power of Salesforce with our decades of experience to hit your program goals and deliver exceptional customer services.

Energy Efficiency

Standardized menu of business process flows to create new programs

Automatically calculate energy savings and rebates via organized suite of measures

Track and report in real time by program, measure, account, customer and location


Streamline interconnection applications and reviews through automated processes and notifications

Connect qualified, licensed contractors with eligible customers for system evaluations and quote comparisons

Enroll customers in net energy metering programs and process credits to bills when they begin generating their own energy


Allow rebate applications to be submitted by customers, trade allies and / or retailers depending on program design

Integrate data from third party platforms to get visibility into program performance and electrification results

Calculate carbon emissions reductions stemming from electrification efforts


Enhance Operations: Boost your productivity, enhance transparency, and increase customer satisfaction by providing an easy and modern digital experience

Access Your Data: Build your own reports and dashboards to quickly answer management or stakeholder questions and keep an eye on portfolio performance

Capture Institutional Knowledge: Put your program rules and operating procedures in a platform instead of across your team members

Capture Structure from Chaos: Eliminate version control issues and program inconsistencies with centralized and standardized data


Customer Management: With POWERPATH, service requests and program participation becomes easier for your customers, and you can track their activity and your communications.

Program and Service Management: The intuitive, modern interface makes program delivery, management and reporting simpler for utility staff

Partner Management: Contractors and trade allies have a dedicated portal for receiving jobs, submitting projects and collaborating with service and program managers.

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